Sunday, April 15, 2007

On The Mend

Last Tuesday, I had sinus surgery.  It was in my best interest to have this done but no one told me it would still hurt a week later.  Once I told people I was having it done, just about everyone knew of someone who had it done recently.  They said, "She was up and moving after a day of rest." or "She felt better immediately."  So I know I wouldn't have the same recovery but when I woke from the anesthesia, my doctor informed me that he had done a lot of work and didn't know how I ever breathed through my right nostril.  It doesn't look bad, but if Arnold Schwarzenegger ever punched me in the nose, I know what it would feel like. If you heard me, you would think I just had a bad cold because of how stuffy I am.  But, it was nice to lay around for a week and rest.  In the recovery room after the surgery, the nurse said I was a model patient.  I said I feel like I'm in a day spa.  Don't have to worry about the house, kids and what I was making for dinner.  Moms are not used to "just lying around" so it was a foreign but welcome short-lived change.  I felt blessed I had my in-laws and husband to pick up my slack.  I'm just suprised I'm still leaking discharge and coughing up blood tinged mucus. Yum! I'm currently reading a book on voice over acting which had said sinus problems could dramatically change your performance.  So if there's a positive to this, I hope my voice will improve.  Once I'm off my pain meds, I hope to write something "intelligent" and "witty" so check back soon.

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