Do you ever have a day when you wish you could revisit the past? For some reason, today is that day for me. I e-mailed my childhood friend who lives in L.A. telling him how much I missed him. Then, I wrote a poem about a long lost best friend I had in high school. Not satisfied, I looked her up on the internet and her name popped right up (past searches never showed much). Years ago, I tried contacting her through but wasn't sure if she got the message or maybe she didn't want to hear from me. So today for some reason, I got up the nerve to e-mail her. Now I'm very anxious if she will write me back. There was never closure to our relationship, she moved to England and never told me her new address. So why 11 years later should I care? There is something about our relationships in childhood that are so pure, so endearing that most adult relationships can't fulfill. Those few adult friends I do have I don't take for granted, knowing how hurt I have been by people I thought were friends in the past. Will my old friend brush me off? I tend to have the ability to go to the past in my mind and recall things vividly. I remember her like it was yesterday. In my e-mail, I wrote like we had only lost touch for a few months. It hurts when people don't remember you the same way. It makes the people who do, that much more special.
1 comment:
Dear K.E.B.,
Just want you to know, I shall always cherish our friendship.
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