I think some women have been getting off too easily in the way they act and present themselves. Of course, men aren't going to complain because it's for their visual benefit. So it's time for a woman to woman chat, ladies. What exactly am I talking about? I'm talking about women leaving the flirting to the teenagers and back off married men! Some women don't have high standards like caring if a wedding ring is on a man's finger. They think it's innocent fun, or a chance to be naughty without the consequences. Women know what they're doing, there is nothing innocent about any coy remark. I'm going to take this a step further and say women should develop standards for their office attire. I'm at the bank and this young bank teller's cleavage is staring me in the face. I was going to make her aware that I didn't need to see what bra she bought at Victoria's Secret, when it occurred to me she knows what she's doing. She wants that attention. There's a woman at my husband's office that too easily revealed her stomach just by reaching above her. She knows what she's doing too. It upsets me when I see
Today show segments about women being able to "express" their sexuality by the clothes they wear in public. I say you can express your sexuality by the lingerie you select that only one other person will see. I don't want to see it. Ah...but that's the interesting point. It's not for me. It's for men. Men are visual creatures. It's the "shiny nickel" complex. They just can't help but look. I say the women that dress this way all the time have the lowest self-esteem who need to get mens' attention by taking advantage of their visual weakness. It seems women are foregoing the importance of the respect women before them have fought so hard for. It's more important to them to be viewed as sexy then demand respect. It's very hard to have both. Beauty and brains, yes. The office mattress and respect? No. C'mon ladies, we have boobs. Men know we have boobs. Do we really need to go further? Where does the need come from to show them off to every Tom, Dick and Harry. You're at work, then work. Stop wasting company money by flirting. It's not high school. You are setting us back 50 years. Why don't you stay home like women did back then and gossip with your neighbors if you can't act like an employee? Do you really think you'll get that raise by showing off your goods to your boss? You might get an advance that you don't want and then cry you're being sexually harassed. And don't get me started on Hooters!
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