My kids have spent part of their summer in front of the TV, and half of that TV time is on the Wii. The other part is getting them out doing new things. Every Friday is soccer camp. I heard from a local mom about a Top soccer program in my home town of Harleysville at my old middle school. Top soccer is a non competitive program for children with any kind of emotional, mental, or physical program that prohibits them from entering a competitive program. With Julian's anxiety, I thought it would be good for him. Plus, his teachers at school urged me this summer to get him involved in something where he could interact with other kids. The director told us Madeleine could sign up to when he saw what a fuss she made over not being on the "team." So now I'm officially a soccer mom.
The other great thing that fell in my lap was being asked to assist a theater camp for kids. I'd get paid and my kids could come free! My children used every excuse in the book not to go. It's not Julian's thing, and Madeleine followed his lead. I said today could be a trial. Madeleine loved it. If it hadn't been for one of the boys there, Julian would've loved it too. I don't blame him. This one little boy who is only six, used inappropriate language, would not sit still, or has any idea what personal space is. I spent most of my time keeping one step ahead of him so he would not take things from the other kids, step on their feet or annoy them in general. He left Julian and Madeleine alone but it still bothered Julian to see a child act this way. This is summer camp, it's not school. A parent paid for their child to be there. An inept parent at best, but nonetheless a parent. How do I know this? Because I don't care what problem your child has, bad words do not come out of their mouth involuntarily. They are used regularly in the home for them to become a part of a child's vocabulary. When I am with him one on one, he does do better. When he says his lines for our play, he says them with the right emphasis. I just want to know the right way to get him to pay attention for our week together without losing my temper. He just ruins things for the rest of all the wonderful kids there.
We played a name game and I led the children in vocal warm-ups before practicing our play that will be performed Friday. It's called Circus Capers. Julian is one of two ring masters and Madeleine is a tight rope walker. What a great (free) opportunity to experience theater like this for them. I wish I had a mom more like me!
My Happiness Project
11 years ago
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