Monday, June 26, 2006

Britney-a southern spokeswoman?

Can Britney be speaking for every southern family when she defends sitting her baby on her lap as "Hey we're country, my dad did that to me." Are not southern communities offended by that? Are they above the law that actually protects their children from..oh I don't know..head trama? As a person who lives north of the Mason-Dixon line am I to understand that most or half of southern people think its ok to drive with your baby on your lap?  OK so I come from a family that had a car the size of an ocean liner that was not concerned with tossing 4 kids in the back seat with no working seat belts. This was also 1987. A lot less road rage, a lot less cars and a lot less crazy distracted drivers in general. I can't help but become enraged when I see people putting their children in harms way. This shows me no matter how much money you have, you can't buy common sense.

Prozac works wonders...

This is the first month I didn't blow up at my husband for no reason because of the wonders of Prozac. Paxil just didn't have the same effect. What will Tom Cruise say? I take my vitamins, I exercise (if running after your daughter in the linens department counts) nothing would take my anxiety away. My brain can not let go of my past and so the prozac has taken the edge off and let me function as I need to. Hey, I even can organize myself to start a blog--a far off dream 6 months before. As I mentioned I am a creative person like it or not so now you can expect to see the best of my poetry from the last 10 years that I have always wanted to share. Â