Monday, June 23, 2008

Not so much the teachers pet (more like the anti-pet!!)

When can you dislike someone you've never met?  When it's your online professor.  I had it easy with my first two classes.  I am now in Essay Writing and Critical Thinking.  My Critical Thinking professor is a gem.  She's very helpful and encouraging.  The Essay Writing professor is the exact opposite.  If there was a way to be annoying and debasing in a forum, she wrote the book.  I am convinced she is premenopausal, menopausal or postmenopausal.  Whatever the stage when some women go off their rocker and act bipolar (to put it kindly). 

She virtually yells at her students.  Since she can't yell at us in a classroom, she uses lots of exclamation points.  This week she said I've done near perfect work, and then yelled at me twice.  I got in trouble because I added a P.S. to a comment I posted.  She said, "Can we keep it professional please!"  Then she yelled at me for doing my assignment wrong.  I finally had to say something.  In a forum that is just for her and I, I wrote, "In business communication, we learned that using an exclamation point can mean you are yelling.  Is that what you intended with your exclamation point?"  I should have added a few !!!! in there just for emphasis. 


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