Monday, April 14, 2008

Weekend Wrap Up

 Last Friday was our "dating" anniversary that we always celebrate in little ways. It is our eleventh year together as a couple. For those of you who didn't know us back then, this picture is of us. Shocking, yes. We both were a little skinnier and both had more hair on our heads. You would think we were dating already in this picture, but we were both just huggy sort of people then. (Now we're old and bitingly sarcastic.) Well, my anniversary surprise was coming home from work to a sparkling clean house. And for Julio, he got the chance buy a particular book he had his eye on (Spiderman something, sorry I can't remember!) Last year was the extra fancy anniversary with a cruise on the Spirit of Philadelphia so it makes sense this year was low key.
The majority of our anniversary was spent in traffic. It had been awhile since I'd seen my cousin and her family so we planned a sleepover from Friday to Saturday. Friday night traffic in Philly? Bad idea. It was actually a stand still from King of Prussia to the Vine Street Expressway. So around 9:30 we arrived and got to spend some fun quality time before everyone went to bed. (Even though I had to complete an assigment due that night.) The next day the weather seemed like it was going to hold up so we went to a used book sale at the Ocean City (NJ) library. Now I have more books to add to my endless pile. (Yes, still reading the L.M.M. journal) Then it started to rain and we switched gears to go to the Hamilton Mall. While there, Julio had been complaining of groin pain. Not an area that should have too much pain. As we were leaving, it got considerably worse. I called the family doctor who advised to go to the ER. Julio was reluctant to go to a hospital (Shore Memorial) so far from home. But after Kim said she heard glowing recommendations and his pain kept increasing, we went. The children were lovingly watched by her and my uncle at Friendly's while we went. The wait wasn't bad and the staff was friendly enough. It turned out he had an infection in a gland above his right testicle. Hey, you've been reading my blog long enough, it's time you knew my husband had some. They gave him pain meds and an antibiotic and released him. We were so worried it was something more complicated. By this time it was 10:00. The wind and rain picked up, the kids were already sound asleep, it made sense to spend another night, which my cousin graciously offered. (Thanks!)We were up and out the next day so sad to say goodbye to everyone.

When we got home I was so excited to see a letter from Jim Davis in our mailbox. Not knowing who Jim Davis is in our household is blasphemous so I'll tell you. He's the creator of the Garfield comic. About 2 weeks ago, I had an idea to e-mail Jim Davis and tell him how much my son loves Garfield. I went on and there's a link to e-mail him. I told him how my son has read every book, and how it helps with his anxiety. Also, I thanked him for introducing my son to phrases like "little black book." I included my address but only expected an e-mail back, if that. What a treat to get an autographed postcard and a letter thanking us for such a wonderful email. Julian didn't know what to think. He was so excited and at the same time worried if he now was going to be famous too. Since he was three, he doesn't like attention drawn to him in that way. He thought I wrote Jim Davis with the comic strip idea he had...oops. Maybe next time. That was just a nice touch to a rollercoaster weekend.

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